Week 0 - 9/2/22

A Note from the Principal’s Desk - 9.2.22


Dear Hillside Parents/Caregivers:

Our WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL CELEBRATION will take place on Tuesday, September 6th at 9:00am. This event is modeled after back to school programs where groups of parents line the school entranceway to cheer and encourage students on the first day of school. We are working with a group of community leaders to create an exciting opening day for Hillside Elementary School.  We know that many will be on their way to work that day and we ask you to come dressed for work. We want to show our children that families from every work life recognize and support the importance of education. Join us for the fun!


Upon arriving to school, you must know your homeroom teachers name and room number.

Homeroom numbers 001 & 002 – Ground Floor

Homeroom numbers beginning with 100 – 1st Floor

Homeroom numbers beginning with 200 – 2nd Floor

PTA News


It was so wonderful to see so many new families and returning ones at our school tours and ice cream social this week. We can’t wait for everyone to join us Tuesday for opening day.


Make sure you stay up to date on all the happenings at Hillside. You can find everything about committees, SpiritWear, events at our website here.

Don’t forget to join the PTA Facebook page. You can find us at Hillside Elementary School – Montclair, NJThere’s also a Hillside Elementary Parents and Caregivers Forum on Facebook where you can crowdsource information from other parents.  


Our dedicated volunteers are the engine that keeps our events running. Consider lending your talents to some of our initiatives by clicking here to join a committee. From SpiritWear sales to School Tours and Parent Liaisons to Publicity, it takes an enormous village to fill up that school calendar. Join us!



The Beautification Committee will be at the Hillside Avenue entrance Friday Sept. 2 from 5-7 p.m. to weed and maintain our sweet gardens. Join us! If you’d like to become a member, email [email protected]  



Who are we? The School Action Team for Partnerships (SATP) is a school body devoted to supporting the Hillside Elementary School mission. We are a collective of diverse voices. We are families, teachers, community partners and students who work together to make school programs, instruction and activities fun and informative for all.

Some examples of initiatives we work on during the school year are Hispanic-Latino Celebration, Kwanzaa Celebration, Hillside Cares Coat Drive, and Bullying Prevention. We would love to recruit some new faces for the upcoming school year. It takes a team to make things happen. Interested in helping? Email us at [email protected].


Would you like to be on the committee to help plan a memorable after-school event to celebrate Hispanic-Latino culture and heritage? Please click HERE to sign up. Thank you!

Llamada para voluntarios!

¿Le gustaría ser parte del comité para planificar un evento extracurricular memorable para celebrar la cultura y herencia latina?

Por favor, haga clic en el botón para registrarse. ¡Gracias!

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con [email protected]https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094BADA82DA6FC1-hispanic

Chamada para Voluntários!

Você gostaria de fazer parte do comitê, para ajudar a planejar um evento memorável e celebrar a Cultura e a Herança Latino/Hispânica?

Por favor, clique no botão para se inscrever. Obrigado!

Se você tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em entrar em contato: [email protected]https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094BADA82DA6FC1-hispanic

Important Dates

9/6: First day of school!!

9/9: Welcome Back Picnic 6PM

9/13: New Parent Orientation 6:30PM

Kind regards,
Dr. Samanthaa Anglin

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