Montclair Board of Education is deeply saddened by the sudden and
devastating passing of Dr. Jonathan Ponds. Dr. Ponds gave countless
hours of his life to the children of Montclair. He worked tirelessly to
improve our schools with the goal of making sure that all the children
of Montclair left school with the tools they needed to live lives of
independence, fulfillment, happiness and success - however that may have
looked for them.
Ponds was at his core a kind, caring and thoughtful human being who
committed his life to the education of children. We were honored to
have had the privilege to have known him and worked with him. He gave
so much to our community at great personal sacrifice, never asking for
fanfare. No matter what he faced, he always kept going for the good of
our district.
Ponds always said, “keep the main thing, the main thing.” And he lived
every minute of his tenure here in Montclair personifying that ideal.
Every single thought, word, action. It was all always about doing what
is best for the students of Montclair. In his memory, the Board of
Education will continue this work and honor his legacy. This is a
tragic loss for Montclair and the world in so many ways.
will be forever grateful for all that he gave to our schools in the 4
years of his tenure. We have come so far and are committed to
continuing this path of progress in his honor. Our deepest condolences
to his wife and three sons. Please hold them in your thoughts and
prayers during this difficult time.
-Montclair Board of Education
photo courtesy of Montclair Local