June 2017
We have developed a new "Creative Intellect" screening process for the 2017-18 school year, which you can find outlined below. Our new process will afford EVERY student at Hillside the opportunity to participate in CI assessing. In accordance with the NJ statute for Gifted and Talented programs, students will be reassessed EVERY year for CI Eligibility. Please read carefully!
Hillside School Academic CI Process
Phase One
1. EVERY current 3rd and 4th grade student will take the Renaissance STAR 360 Reading and Math assessments prior to the end of the current school year. This district approved assessment is a Universal Screener for all.
2. A percentage of these scores/students will move on to Phase Two of the process.
Phase Two
1. These selected students will be eligible to enroll in our CI aesthetic offerings if they meet the following requirements:
a. Math/Science - Achieve the required score on the CI Math assessment
b. ELA/SS - Meet the DRA2 requirements for eligibility
2. Principal/Teacher Recommendations; Report Card Performance; Learning Characters Rubric; and District Assessment Scores serve as data points taken into consideration during this process.
Hillside School Related Arts CI Process
1. Students are initially assessed in 3rd grade in ALL Related Arts areas when they cycle through their aesthetic classes during cycle 1. Teachers assess students according to the specific rubric for that content area.
2. At the end of every school year, related arts teachers will reassess with the specific rubric for that content area and make any necessary adjustments to a student's eligibility.
Changes parents/caregivers should make note of:
1. Parents will no longer have to sign up their child to be assessed for academic CI assessments. Every child at Hillside will be assessed.
2. In accordance with the NJ statute for Gifted and Talented programs, students will be reassessed EVERY year for CI Eligibility in both academic and related arts content areas.
3. Parents will be notified by letter if their child makes it to Phase 2 of the CI process. A separate letter will be sent out for those students who make it through Phase 2 and into our CI program.
4. As it was with CI this year, students who qualify for CI Math will automatically be placed in CI Science and students who qualify for CI ELA will automatically be placed in CI Social Studies. If you would like to your child to be assessed for ONLY CI Science or CI Social studies, please contact Mr. Krenn by email.
*All Incoming 3rd graders and new 4th and 5th graders to Hillside will go through the same process in the fall of 2017 once they have entered Hillside School.*